Several graduate students and Researchers have participated in TMS conference at San Diego, California from February 23-27 2020. For more information about the conference, click here.
Dr. Mohamed Elbakhshwan has presented “Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Properties of CrFeNiMn and NbTaTiV High Entropy Alloys”.
Dr. Phalgun Nelaturu has presented “A High-throughput Alloy Development Strategy
for Corrosion Resistant Materials via Directed Energy Deposition”.
Zefeng Yu has presented “Microstructure and Microchemistry Comparison of Neutron Irradiated AIOM-X2 and Low-Sn ZIRLO”.
Cody Falconer has presented “Non-Galvanic Mass Transport in Molten Fluoride Salt Isothermal Corrosion Cells”.
Michael Moorehead has presented “High-Throughput Synthesis and Ion Irradiation of High-Entropy Alloys using Additive Manufacturing”.
Calvin Parkin has presented “In Situ Heavy Ion Irradiation of FCC and BCC High-Entropy Alloys at Cryogenic and High Temperatures”.
Matthew Weinstein has presented “Corrosion Resistant Claddings for MSRs”.
Bonita Goh has presented “High-Throughput Electrochemical Methods Development to Accelerate Molten Salt Corrosion Resistant Alloy Design”.