Zefeng Yu

Credentials: Currently Post-Doctoral researcher at Pennstate University

Position title: Former MADCOR PhD Student (Graduated May 2020)

Email: zyu226@wisc.edu

Engineering Research Building, Room 927
1500 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706

Effect of Proton Pre-irradiation on Corrosion of Nuclear Materials
Zefeng Yu

Zefeng Yu has completed his Ph.D in Material Science and Engineering at University of Madison – Madison. He has earned both bachelor and master degree in Material Science and Engineering at University of Washington, Seattle. His interest is material behavior under extreme condition, including irradiation, high temperature and pressure environment. During his PhD, he focused on ion irradiation on Zr alloys and the consequential performance of corrosion resistance after irradiation. Now, his Post-doc research is  a part of MRSEC project on Quantum imaging of electron transport pathways in thermally grown zirconium oxides.