Bonita Goh
Position title: Post-Doctoral Researcher
Bao-Phong Nguyen
Position title: Former Undergraduate Research Assistant (Graduated Spring 2024)
Hongliang Zhang
Position title: Assistant Scientist
Yafei Wang
Position title: Assistant Scientist
Calvin Parkin
Position title: Former Ph.D. Student (Graduated Summer 2022)
Cody Falconer
Position title: Former Ph.D Student (Graduated Summer 2022)
Alex Nelson
Position title: Former Undergraduate Student
Iman Abdallah
Position title: Former Post-Doctoral Researcher
Michael Moorehead
Credentials: Currently Post-doctoral researcher at INL
Position title: Former MADCOR Ph.D. Student (Graduated Oct. 2021)
Raphaelle David
Position title: Former Master Student
Mohamed Elbakhshwan
Position title: Former Assistant Scientist
Louis Bailly-Salins
Credentials: Currently PhD candidate at University of Caen Normandie and the lab is the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire (LPC), France
Position title: Former Master's Student
Zhiheng ZHANG
Credentials: Currently post-doc at Chimie Paris Tech, France
Position title: Former Intern
Matthew Weinstein
Credentials: Research engineer at Terra power
Position title: Former Master's Student
Taeho Kim
Credentials: Senior research scientist at Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute
Position title: former Assistant Scientist in MADCOR lab
Zefeng Yu
Credentials: Currently Post-Doctoral researcher at Pennstate University
Position title: Former MADCOR PhD Student (Graduated May 2020)
Najlaa Hassan
Position title: Post-Doctoral Researcher
Nick Ackerman
Position title: Former Undergraduate Student
Zach Wolf
Position title: Undergraduate Student
Samuel Garcia
Position title: Undergraduate Student
Noah Anderson
Position title: Undergraduate Student
Casey Rorabeck
Position title: Undergraduate Student
Léo Borrel
Credentials: Currently Ph.D. Student in Particle Physics at Caltech
Position title: Former Master's Student (Sept. 2016 - Sept. 2018)
Aaron Huxford
Credentials: Currently Ph.D. Student in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Michigan
Position title: Former Undergraduate Student (May 2016 - Aug. 2018)
Ryan Schulte
Position title: Undergraduate Student
Kelsy Green
Credentials: Currently Ph.D. Student in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Michigan
Position title: Former Ph.D. Student (Sept. 2017 - Aug. 2018)
Kelly Nygren
Credentials: Currently Post-Doctoral Researcher at Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source
Position title: Former Post-Doctoral Researcher (Jan. 2017 - Sept. 2017)
Kyle Krcmar
Position title: Fomer Undergraduate Student (Jan. 2016 - Sept. 2017)
Alex Glittenberg
Position title: Former Undergraduate Student (May 2016 - March 2017)
Anatole Desthieux
Position title: Former Intern (Jan. 2017 - Aug. 2017)
Nans Lacombe
Position title: Former Intern (June 2016 - Aug. 2016)
Evan Buxton
Position title: PhD Student
Yalong He
Position title: Master's Student
Li He
Position title: Assistant Scientist
Amy Lossen
Position title: Undergraduate Student
Jake Quincey
Position title: Undergraduate Student
Jaden Umana
Position title: Undergraduate Student
Mediha Merve Karatas
Position title: Former Master's Student
Jadin Swarts
Position title: PhD Student
Gabriel Paramucchio
Position title: Master's Student