First MADCOR PhD student just graduated!

Congratulations Dr. Yu!

zefeng phd title
Zefeng Yu PhD dissertation presentation title

Zefeng Yu has successfully earned the degree of philosophy in materials sciences on August 12th 2020. He presented his work entitled ‘Irradiation induced redistribution of  alloying elements in Zr-Nb and its effect on corrosion kinetic’.

The dissertation is approved by the following members of the Final Oral Committee:
Adrien Couet, Professor, Engineering Physics
Kumar Sridharan, Professor, Engineering Physics
Yongfeng Zhang, Professor, Engineering Physics
Paul M. Voyles, Professor, Material Science and Engineering
Dane Morgan, Professor, Material Science and Engineering

You can find the PhD thesis manuscript link here.

zefeng group photo
group photo celebrating Dr. Zefeng Yu graduation