The group is part of the Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp hosted at University of California Berkeley from July 16th to July 28th. Professor Couet is part of the organizing team, representing UW-Madison along with UC Berkeley, …
Gordon Research Conference
Prof. Couet has won the best poster award at the Gordon Research Conference on High Temperature Corrosion. This Conference took place during the dates July 9-14 at Colby Sawyer College (NH). The conference aims at presenting …
Department of Energy Research Funding
The Engineering Physics Department has been awarded funding for future research in nuclear energy. The University of Wisconsin–Madison will receive an estimated $9.3 million in funding from the United States Department of Energy (DOE) for advanced …
Department of Energy Fellowship
Calvin Parkin, a prospective graduate student in the lab, has received a fellowship through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program. Each year, the DoE awards over $5 million to undergraduate and graduate …
2017 American Nuclear Society Student Conference
Five members of the research group recently attended The American Nuclear Society Student Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This is a student led, professional development opportunity for students all around the nation to present their work …
The Autoclave has Arrived!
The laboratory is now equipped with a state of the art high pressure, high temperature autoclave! The autoclave is equipped of four electrochemical feedtroughs, one high temperature reference electrode and three sapphire windows protected by …
Advance Photon Source
The research group went to the Advanced Photon Source (APS) synchrotron at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to perform experiments at one of their beamlines. They use a beamline with high photon flux and nanometer beam …
New Undergraduate Students
Two undergraduates student in the Engineering Physics Department have joined the research group. Calvin Parkin is a Senior in the Engineering Physics Department. His project deals with radiation resistant high entropy alloys. …
New Students!
Four new graduate students have joined the research group!Michael Moorehead is a new PhD Student and NRC fellow in the Engineering Physics Department, coming from Arizona State University. His research focuses on performing X-ray Absorption …
Madison Teaching and Learning Excellence
Prof. Couet has been selected to be part of the Theta cohort of the “Madison Teaching and Learning Excellence” program.