2019 UW Additive Manufacturing Workshop:

Prof. Couet presented at the 2019 UW Additive Manufacturing workshop on January 25th 2019 on the cross-cutting technology needs of nuclear engineering related to additive manufacturing and more specifically on how additive manufacturing is used …

Oral and poster presentations at NuMat 2018:

Many members of the group attended the 2018 Nuclear Materials conference (NuMat 2018) organized in Seattle from October 15th to 19th. Cody Falconer presented on “Corrosion of Hastelloy-N in Molten Fluoride Salts” and Prof. Couet …

SNEAP conference:

The 51st Symposium of the North Eastern Accelerator Personnel (SNEAP) conference was organized by the University of Wisconsin Department of Engineering Physics and Grainger Institute of Engineering on September 23 – 27, 2018. The program …

Received Recirculation Loop

To enhance the current lab capabilities, the lab has acquired a chemistry controlled recirculation loop (stainless steel 316, max. temperature 360ºC, max. pressure of 200 bar and volume flow rate 15 l/h), which will be …

Grainger Institute for Engineering Faculty Scholar Award

Professor Adrien Couet received the Grainger Institute for Engineering Faculty Scholar Award. Its proposal was dealing with Accelerated and Innovative Alloy Development for Molten Salt Reactor Technologies using High-Throughput Experimental Methods. The Grainger Institute for …

2018 Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp

Valentin Pauly and Jake Quincey, two UW-Madison students performing research in nuclear materials, have recently completed the 2018 Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp!! Prof. Couet is co-organizing that event, held during two weeks at UC-Berkeley, which seeks …