New Student!

Nans Lacombe has joined the research group over the summer to work on the corrosion of steels in supercritical CO2 environment in partnership with “Électricité de France” (EDF) and “Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux …

Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry

Prof. Couet gave a presentation at the 18th International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry at Hilton Head (SC) on Hydrogen Pickup Mechanism in Zirconium Alloys.  

New Students!

Aaron Huxford and Alexander Glittenberg, two undergraduate students at the Engineering Physics department have joined the research group. Their work will focus on designing electrochemical feedthroughs for in-situ electrochemistry impedance spectroscopy experiments in relevant nuclear …

Zirconium Corrosion and Hydriding Mechanism

Prof. Couet gave two seminars at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) on zirconium corrosion and hydriding mechanism under normal and accidental conditions. Part of the tour covered the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR), the Materials and …

Current Nuclear Material challenges in LWR

Prof. Couet has given a seminar at the Materials Science and Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin – Madison on the nuclear materials current challenges for Light Water Reactors environment and the research area …

Supercritcal Carbon Dioxide

The group has hosted Fabien Rouillard, research engineer at the CEA (France) to establish collaboration on the subject of corrosion of steels in supercritical CO2 environment.  

New Student!

Kyle Krcmar, undergraduate student at the Engineering Physics department joins the group! His work deals with UV light effect on the electrochemistry response of zirconium oxide at low temperatures.