Two grants from DOE-NEUP have been awarded to the group!

Exciting news to share!
The UW-Madison Nuclear engineering program has a unique strength in experimental programs to develop nuclear technology. MADCOR PI Adrien Couet has received two grants from DOE Nuclear Energy University Program.
The first project is about Machine Learning on High-Throughput Databases of Irradiation Response and Corrosion Properties of Selected Compositionally Complex Alloys for Structural Nuclear Materials. On this project the MADCOR group will collaborate with Idaho National Laboratory to develop a large database of radiation and oxidation resistance of high-entropy alloys using a combination of additive manufacturing, high-throughput irradiation/oxidation experiments and high-throughput characterization to develop the database. Machine learning methods will be used to extract potential relationships between HEA composition and micro-structure and response to irradiation and corrosion.
The second project is about Ex-situ and In-situ Molten Salt Chemical Analysis Capabilities for the Development of Materials in Molten Salt Environments. Thanks to this grant, the MADCOR group will purchase a brand new Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) system to characterize molten salt composition accurately and rapidly. This will improve the capabilities for the molten salt research at the UW-Madison.