Effects of In-situ Irradiation and Stress on Static Molten Salt Corrosion of Stainless Steel

People involved in the project

In light of the push to develop advanced nuclear reactor technologies, demand for materials characterization and qualification in these extreme environments is at an all-time high. This project focuses on the corrosion of structural materials within the molten salt reactor design and how this corrosion behaves when coupled with other degradation phenomena. One aspect of this work investigates the effects of in-situ irradiation on static corrosion of SS316 and 316H in molten FLiNaK salt at 650°C. The other aspect of this work investigates the effect of constant elastic stress on the corrosion of SS316 and 316H in molten FLiNaK salt at 650°C. These experiments will shed light on the coupled effects of stress and irradiation on the corrosion of structural materials critical for the development and deployment of advanced molten salt reactors.

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