Congratulations Dr. Moorehead! Michael Moorehead has successfully earned the degree of philosophy in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics on October 27 2021. He presented his work entitled ‘High Throughput screening of High-Entropy Alloy for Advanced …
Year: 2021
Professor Couet got Vilas Faculty Early-Career Investigator Award
Congratulations Professor Couet! On October 13th 2021, Professor Adrien got a Vilas Faculty Early-Career Investigator Award. Group members celebrated this achievement during the weekly group meetings with a MADCOR apple pie made by undergrad Jon-Luke …
Two Matser MADCOR students just graduated!
Congratulations Louis and Matthew! Louis Bailly-Salins and Matthew Weinstein have successfully finished the master’s degree in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering physics. Matthew has completed his bachelor and masters degree at university of Wisconsin-Madison. his master thesis …
New Members have joined MADCOR group!
Welcome to Najlaa Hassan and Zhiheng Zhang! Dr. Hassan has joind MADCOR group to work on high throughput electrochemical and characterization methods to develop machine learning and automated processes. Her project focuses on aqueous corrosion …
Congratulations to Cody Flaconer for his PPG fellowship grant!
Congratulations Cody! PhD candidate Cody Falconer has been awarded the PPG Fellowship from the MS&E department to support his research investigating the performance of candidate alloys and coating systems in molten salt environments for advanced …