Modeling Corrosion of Zirconium Alloys Fuel Cladding During Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) Scenario

People involved in the project

Léo Borrel

Credentials: Currently Ph.D. Student in Particle Physics at Caltech

Correctly predicting the mechanical behavior of the zirconium fuel cladding during a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) is critical for nuclear safety analysis as the fuel rod needs to maintain its coolable geometry throughout the high-temperature transient.

Schematic of a LOCA transient and the resulting zirconium alloy behavior
Schematic of a LOCA transient and the resulting zirconium alloy behavior

A Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) is a designed accidental scenario in which the fuel cladding is subjected to a rapid temperature transient from 360 °C to 1200 °C, because of the loss of coolant. The high temperature regime lasts a few hundred seconds and is followed by a quench to room temperature. At high temperature, the oxidation kinetics is greatly increased compared to operating conditions. Furthermore zirconium alloys undergo a phase change around 815 °C from an HCP α phase to a BCC β phase. In addition, oxygen diffusion in the metal ahead of the oxide creates an oxygen-stabilized α phase layer. After the quench, the oxide and the oxygen-stabilized α phase layers are brittle, so the remaining cladding ductility is only due to the prior-β phase and is highly dependent on oxygen and hydrogen content. It is thus critical to correctly assess the oxygen and hydrogen concentration profiles in the fuel rod at the end of the LOCA sequence to evaluate the mechanical integrity of the fuel cladding.

So far, nuclear fuel performance codes such as BISON only use rather conservative empirical models which only provides oxide thickness and weight gain. The physically-based model that is being developed, called the Coupled Current Charge Compensation (C4) model, is meant to provide oxide, oxygen-stabilized α phase and prior-β phase layer growth kinetics, as well as oxygen and hydrogen concentration profiles. Both operating temperature (360 °C) and high temperature (1200 °C) isotherms as well as temperature transients such as LOCA can be correctly modeled for different zirconium alloys with this single model. It is based on a finite element modeling of charged species (oxygen vacancies, electrons and hydrogen) transport through the oxide layer, and oxygen diffusion inside the metal.

Mechanism behind the C4 model
Mechanism behind the C4 model

Preliminary results show that the C4 model accuracy is comparable to most of the empirical model and is in good agreement with experimental data.

Weight gain as a function of time for corrosion of Zr-1.0Nb at 360 °C for 240 days
Weight gain as a function of time for corrosion of Zr-1.0Nb at 360 °C for 240 days
Oxide thickness as a function of time for corrosion of Zry-4 at 1200 °C for 1500 s
Oxide thickness as a function of time for corrosion of Zry-4 at 1200 °C for 1500 s
Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA)
Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA)

The model is currently being validated using multiple criteria. In addition to metallographic analysis of corroded samples, Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) and Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES) are used to obtain experimental concentration profile of oxygen and hydrogen.

The objective for this model is to be implemented in the nuclear fuel performance code BISON. Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) will be used to model the moving interfaces (oxide/oxygen-stabilized α phase and oxygen-stabilized α phase/prior-β phase).


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